针对 90年代我国不同城镇基准地价水平不可比的现象 ,通过对比分析揭示了不同城镇基准地价不可比是由于城镇基准地价评估过程中对基准地价内涵及容积率、建筑密度、宗地深度等条件缺乏明确界定 ,不同城镇基准地价所反映的地价内涵和条件差异很大 ,从而导致城镇间基准地价不可比 ;由此认为新一轮的基准地价更新必须界定基准地价内涵和“基准条件”,并从交易宗地条件及地价形成机制分析入手 ,提出了城镇基准地价内涵及“基准条件”界定的原则、方法和指标体系 .
This study focuses on the situation that the benchmark land-price of the urban areas in China in the 1990s isn't comparative. The hypothesis is presented that the connotation of urban benchmark land-price and its benchmark condition lacks confirmation. It is the conclusion of the authors that the connotation of the benchmark land-price and basic terms must be confirmed in the next renewal of the benchmark land-price .Principles, methods and an index system for their confirmation are presented based upon the condition of the bargaining plot and the form mechanism of the land-value.
Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition)