成本是决定钢铁企业生存与发展的关键因素。唐山地区发展钢铁工业有得天独厚的区位和资源优势 ,出现在这一地区的钢铁产业群是企业追求成本优势的必然产物。随着进口矿比重不断增加 ,地方政府应以降低物流成本、减少耕地占用、合理使用淡水资源 ,改善中心城市居住环境等原则为指导 ,积极引导钢铁产业群向沿海转移 ,并与港口建设统筹规划 ,全面提升产业群的国际竞争力。
Production cost is one of the most important factors to iron and steel plants. Tangshan City has the advantage in natural resources and transport conditions for the development of iron & steel industry. Emerging of iron & steel industry cluster in this district is an inevitable outcome of seeking lower production cost. As the increasing of the imported ore, local governments should make a placement policy according to the rule of reducing transportation cost, saving farmland, rational utilizing water resources, improving living condition of central cities, and then increase the competitive power of the industry cluster in international market. The industry cluster also gave a challenge to balance economy placement theory.
China Industrial Economics