飞行数据采集器作为空中数据采集系统ADAS的一个重要的组成部分 ,用于新型飞机试飞时 ,对航空电子总线上的有关飞行参数进行实时采集和全面记录 ,以确保试飞的顺利进行 ,该采集器可以同时接受来自两条总线的全部消息 ,实时地将重要信息发向地面测试设备 ,以便地面指挥人员随时掌握试飞的有关情况。本文介绍了采集器的功能和软硬件结构 ,分析了结构的特点和设计上的缺陷 ,提出改进的建议 ,以作为重新设计的参考。
The flying data acquisition computer,which is an important part of air data acquisition system, use to receive real time data and record all flying parameter from the aviation electronic bus of airplane in flight-testing in order to ensure flight-testing to be completed successfully. In this paper, I want to describe the design of the computer's hardware and software, analyse the advantages and disadvantages of it's system architecture, and then give some proposition to improve it's design.
Aeronautical Computing Technique