通信中间件是用于三层架构的客户机 /服务器模式来实现客户机和服务器之间的通信的独立的软件。通信中间件主要有三种形式 :远程过程调用、会话编程以及消息队列中间件。本文讨论了通信中间件的相关技术 ,包括通信中间件的应用环境 ,工作机理 ,给出了基于TCP/IP协议的实现过程和方法。
message-oriented middleware is software based on three tier client/server architecture and supports telecommunication between the client and server applications. There are three types on Message-oriented middleware : Remote Procedure Call(RPC) , Session Programming and Message Queen Interface.In this paper, it is illustrated that related technical on Message-oriented middleware, including its application surrounding, working priciples, achieving process and impletation based on TCP/IP .
Aeronautical Computing Technique