利用外资是福建经济具有有活力和潜力的经济增长点。本文分析了福建利用外商直接投资的现状及其对福建产业结构变动的影响 ,在此基础上 ,提出了要进一步优化外商投资环境以吸引更多的外资 ,同时 ,又要加强外商投资的产业引导 。
Foreign investment application has been the most vigorous and potential growth point in the provincial economy of Fujian.This paper first analyzed the current situation of foreign direct investment application and its effect on changes of Fujian industrial structure, and then it suggested that the environment for foreign investment be further improved and better guidance and supporting service offered to ensure more foreign investment for optimizing industrial structure in Fujian.
Journal of Lujiang University