
接收函数的泊松比测量方法及大陆地壳构成的判断 被引量:1

The Boisson's Ratio Measurements of Receiver Function and Estimation of the Continental Crust Constitution
摘要 地震观测是了解地球内部物理状态的直接手段 ,通过一些弹性参数可以推测地球内部的物质构成。而相应的物质构成对分析大陆地壳演化的过程具有重要意义。泊松比是推测地球内部物质构成的有效参数之一。接收函数方法分离出的 Seismic measurement is a direct method for understanding the physical condition of earth interior,and material composition of the earth interior may be deduced by some elastic parameters. It is of important signification to analyse the process of the continental crust evolve with relevant material composition.Boisson's ratio is one of the effective parameters to deduce material composition of the earth interior. It provides an effective and convenient way to obtain Boisson's ratio by the isolating P S converted S wave from receiver function.
出处 《国际地震动态》 2002年第9期5-7,共3页 Recent Developments in World Seismology
基金 中国地震局地球物理研究所论著 :0 2 AC2 0 2 5 地震联合基金 (10 10 89)资助项目
关键词 接收函数 大陆地壳 泊松比 PS转换波 地震观测 弹性参数 Boisson's ratio P S converted S wave composition
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