测定了中国对虾Penaeuschinensis在不同盐度下摄食日本刺沙蚕Neanthesjaponica与配合饲料的摄食量、生长和能量收支。在盐度 5~ 3 5、水温 2 5℃时 ,中国对虾的摄食率在盐度 1 3时达到最大 ,摄食能为 2 2 4 4kJ/(g·d) ,而最适生长盐度为 2 0 ,此时的增重率最大 ,分别为 4 6 %(干重 )和 1 2 5 %(湿重 ) ,能量利用效率最高 (2 7%)。盐度 1 3~ 3 5时对中国对虾蜕壳周期的影响不显著 ,变幅为 4 7~ 4 9d ;盐度 5时中国对虾的蜕壳周期为 6 2d ,显著大于其它各盐度条件下的蜕壳周期。盐度影响中国对虾生长的机制主要取决于摄食量和物质及能量转换效率的变化 ,而蜕壳周期的影响不起主要作用。在盐度 3 1时 ,摄食沙蚕的中国对虾其生长显著大于摄食配合饲料的 ,摄食沙蚕的增重率为5 88%(湿重 )、 1 1 95 %(干重 ) ,能量利用效率为摄食能的 2 3 2 4 %;摄食配合饲料的增重率为 3 48%(湿重 )、 7 47%(干重 ) ,能量利用效率为摄食能的 1 7 5 5 %。不同饵料对中国对虾生长影响的能量学机制是由能量同化率和转化效率决定的。
The energy budget of Chinese prawn Penaeus chinensis collected from culture pond ,were studied in feeding polychaete worm under 5 levels of salinity(5,13,20,28 and 35), and in feeding different foods (Polychaete worm and formulated diet) at temperature 25℃. The experimental results showed as follows:1. The maximum food consumption rates were 13.5% (dry matter) and 58.7% (wet matter) at salinity 13,and the minimum rates were 11.5% (dry matter) and 49.8% (wet matter) at salinity 5; 2. The prawn at salinity 20 grew significantly faster than those at 5, 13, 28, and 35, and energy conversion efficiency was the highest (27%) (p<0.01); The intermolt periods of shrimp were 6.2 days,4.8 days,4.7 days,4.9 days and 4.8 days at salinity 5, 13, 20, 28 and 35, respectively. The best growth was mainly attributed to larger food consumption and the highest matter and energy conversion at salinity 20; 3. The consumption energy and partitions of allocated to excretion, exuvia and respiration of the prawn fed polychaete worm were not significantly different from those of shrimps fed formulation; The energy allocated to growth was 23.24% in feeding polychaete worm, and was significantly larger than that of 17.55% in feeding formulated diet; The partitions of fecal energy in feeding polychaete worm was 3.67% smaller than that of 11.08% in feeding formulated diet.
Journal of Dalian Fisheries University
国家杰出青年科学基金 ( 3972 5 0 2 3)
山东省自然科学基金 (Q95D0 732 )资助项目