绮A是广西农科院水稻所育成的极小粒型野败不育系 ,千粒重仅 14g ,具有败育彻底 ,异交习性良好 ,可恢性好 ,配合力高 ,外观品质好等特点。 2 0 0 1年 10月通过广西区科技厅成果鉴定。所配组合表现米质优、优势强、产量高、熟期偏中迟。绮优 10 2 5、绮优 99和绮优 2 93等优质早籼组合的配组成功 。
Qi A is a WA type small grain CMS line in rice with only 14g of 1 000 grain weight. It is characteristic of complete sterility, high outcrossing rate, strong restorability, good combining ability and fine grain quality. It was registered in Guangxi in October, 2001. Its F 1 hybrids showed strong heterosis, medium-late maturity and high grain quality. The problem of poor grain quality of early season hybrids in South-China might be solved by the successful development of high grain quality combinations such as Qiyou 1025, Qiyou 99 and Qiyou 293, the hybrids derived from Qi A.
Hybrid Rice
广西区科技攻关项目 (桂科攻 1999390 0 6 )