清初江苏医家史以甲 ,字子仁 ,著有《伤寒正宗》。对其生平与著作进行的考证与研究表明 ,史氏为清代江都 (扬州 )县甘泉邵伯镇人 ,生活于明崇祯末至清康熙中期。通过对现存孤本《伤寒正宗》的成书、刊刻时间、版本著录情况的研究 ,认为本书刊刻时间不早于清康熙十九年 ( 1 680 )。其伤寒学术思想 ,主要继承了方—喻的“重编整理”观与“三纲鼎立”说 ,并主张以证为纲 ,对《伤寒论》
SHI Yi jia, a doctor in Jiangsu Province in the early Qing Dynasty, wrote Authentic Treatise on Febrile Diseases .The research on his biographical note and his works indicates that he was born in Shaobo, Jiangdu County (now Yangzhou), in the Qing Dynasty and lived to the middle period of Kangxi's reign. According to the textual research on the completion and publication of Authentic Treatise on Febrile Diseases , the book was published later than 1680. His academic thought concerning febrile diseases followed the theories of “recompilation and rearrangement' and “parallelism of three key links'. He also advocated considering the syndromes as the key line in the research of Treatise on Febrile Diseases .
Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Social Science Edition)
SHI Yi jia
Authentic Treatise on Febrile Diseases
research on Treatise on Febrile Diseases
texture research
literature on TCM medical history