
世界秩序理念的历史发展及其在当代的解析 被引量:6

The Concept of World Order——Evolution and the New Development
摘要 和谐稳定的世界秩序是人类孜孜以求的梦想 ,至今人类对这一梦想的探求大体上经历了 5个阶段 :二战以前的理论渊源 ,60年代的理论启动 ,70年代的政策实践 ,80年代的百家争鸣和 90年代的世界新秩序与世界秩序新论。世界秩序一直是国际关系理论研究的一个重要问题 ,本文通过追溯世界秩序理念的历史发展 ,阐明了人类对世界和平与繁荣的思索和追寻历程 ;通过对世界秩序理念在当代的解析 。 Harmonious and stable world order is what mankind has been pursuing for centuries. To explore and make this dream into reality, up to now, we have experienced five major stages——the theoretical preparation before the World War II, the theoretical start up in 1960s, the policy implementation in 1970s, the theoretical debates in 1980s, the proposal for a new world order and new theories on it in 1990s. The world order has always been the focus of international relations theories. By analyzing the contemporary development of the concept, this paper tries to retrospect the evolution of the ideas of world order and the struggle of mankind seeking for world peace and prosperity. And the paper tries to explore and describe the possible pattern and its major features of a new world order. In the meantime, it attempts to answer the question of what kind of world order we should have, and what should be the foundation on which the new world order be established, as well as what should be the basic principles of the establishment of the new world order.
作者 潘忠岐
出处 《欧洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第4期8-15,共8页 Europe
关键词 世界秩序理念 国际关系 发展历史 World Order Models International Relations World Peace
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  • 3Stanley Hoffmann, Primacy or World Order: American Foreign Policy since the Cold War, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978, P. 109,188, P. 189, P. 199.
  • 4Lynn H. Miller, Global Order, Values and Power in International Politics, Westview Press, 1998.
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  • 7John Spanier, Games Nations Play, Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1987, P.576.
  • 8Henry Kissinger, "How to Achieve the New World Order", Time, March 14th 1994.
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  • 10"The New World Order: Back to the Future", The Economist, January 8,1994.












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