
冷战后欧盟与发展中国家关系的新变化 被引量:1

The EU's Relations with Developing Countries——The New Development since the Cold War
摘要 冷战结束后 ,欧盟与发展中国家的关系出现了许多新的变化 ,主要包括 :从带有殖民地色彩的联系国关系向较为平等互利的合作关系转变 ;从派生性关系向独立自主关系转变 ;以与非加太地区为主到与亚非拉所有发展中国家发展关系 ;从以经济关系为主向政治、经济等各方面关系的全面发展。这些新变化表明 ,欧盟国家正在积极改变几个世纪以来在发展中国家中的不良形象和影响 ,努力构筑与发展中国家面向 2 1世纪的新型的国家关系。但欧盟与发展中国家的关系仍然存在着许多“负面因素” ,只有明智对待 ,正确处理 。 The post Cold War years witnessed the great changes of the relations between the EU and developing countries. According to the author, the changes include: from the linked states relations with strong colonial color into comparatively mutual beneficial and cooperative relations; from derivative relations into independent relations; from giving first place to the states of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific to all states of Asia, Africa and Latin America; and from giving priority to economic relations to overall relations that including political and economical relations and etc. These changes indicate that the member states of the EU are trying to improve their images and to enlarge their influences in the developing countries, so that to establish new relations with developing countries in the 21st century. Although the EU has achieved a lot in building new types of relations with the developing countries, there still exist negative elements in the process. The author suggests that it is only possible for EU countries to maintain and continue the new relations, if they pay more attention to these negative elements and deal with them successfully.
作者 刘青建
出处 《欧洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第4期16-24,共9页 Europe
关键词 冷战后 欧盟 发展中国家 对外关系 合作关系 独立自主关系 经济 政治 the EU, Developing Countries Foreign Relations
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