影响知识产权商品价值评估的因素是多种多样的。知识商品的生产是一个开放的系统 ,劳动是影响知识产权商品价值的内在因素 ,交换是影响知识商品价值的外在因素。内因和外因的共同作用对知识产权价值评估产生重要影响。以期在理论上可以让人们对知识产权价值评估有更为具体的理解和认识 ,在实践中有助于自觉而理性地对待这些因素 ,即使评估中无法控制这些因素 。
There are varied factors that affect the value evaluation. The production of intellectual commodity is an open system, labor is the internal factor which affects the value of intellectual property commodity; exchange is the external factor which affects the intellectual commodity value. The common functions of internal and external factors affect, greatly, the value evaluation of intellectual property. This article, in theory, enables people to have more specific understanding about the intellectual property value evaluation; and is helpful to treat the factors rationally and consciously in practice, even though they cannot control those factors in evaluation. People can also further understand and prevent the possible influence in the future.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College
安康师范专科学校专项科研基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1AKSZXW0 0 1)