广大民众的支持和拥戴 ,是执政党重要的执政基础 ,民众的满意度和支持率归根到底是由其对所获得的物质利益的满足程度决定的。中国是个农业大国 ,农民占人口的大多数 ,巩固党的执政基础 ,必须处理好与农民的关系 ,必须代表并维护好农民的利益。
The mass trust and support is vital to any reigning party,and the mass trust and support are ultimately decided by the mass satisfaction in material well beings.To consolidate the reigning base in a great agricultural country where the farming population makes up the majority, the Party should maintain a good relationship with the farmers, striving for and protecting their interests.
Journal of Lujiang University