
格律论和评价系统在语篇中的文体意义 被引量:12

The Stylistic Meaning of the Theory of Periodicity and Appraisal in a Text
摘要 该文应用韩礼德(Halliday)的系统功能语言学理论及马丁和罗斯(Martin&Rose)在此基础上发展的格律论(Periodicity)和评价系统(Appraisal),从宏观和微观两方面分析一个语篇的文体特征,探讨了宏观主位、超主位、主位和宏观新信息、超新信息、新信息这种开放性的等级层次对形成语篇信息脉冲的意义,分析了评价词汇集对语篇文体的作用,并讨论了格律论和评价系统分析对写作教学的启示。 This paper applies Halliday s theory of systemic functional linguistics and the theory of Periodicity and Appraisal that Martin and Rose developed on the basis of Halliday's theory to analyze the stylistic features of a text on both macro and micro levels. The paper examines how the open-ended hierarchy of Theme, hyperTheme, macroTheme and New, hyperNew, macroNew contributes to the information flow of the text. It also analyzes the stylistic effects of the evaluative lexical sets in the text. Finally, the paper discusses the implications that such stylistic study has on the teaching of writing.
作者 戴凡
出处 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第5期41-48,共8页 Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 语篇 文体意义 系统功能语言学 格律论 评价系统 文体学 主位等级 格律 词汇 语法 systemic functional linguistics periodicity appraisal stylistics
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