194 8年以色列建国前 ,散居世界的犹太人共掀起了 6次大规模的阿利亚。阿利亚对以色列建国产生了重大影响。阿利亚后 ,以色列工人运动建立了一个由犹太人自己履行一切经济职能和组织职能的社会 ;犹太工总成为移民发展的动力之一 ;希伯来语的复活 ,希伯来语报纸的发行及各类犹太学校的建立 ,培养了大批犹太专业技术人员 ,为以色列国的建立奠定了人才基础。犹太工总创立的哈加纳 ,成为建国后以色列国防军的主干力量。
Before Israel was founded in 1948, there occurred six Aliyas organized by the Jews residing all over the world. These Aliyas exerted a great impact on the founding of Israel. Thereafter, Israel's Labour Movement established a society in which the Jews themselves performed all the economic and government functions. Histadrut was a main power of the development of Jewish migrations. The revival of Hebrew, the publishing of Hebrew newspapers and the emergence of different kinds of Jewish schools resulted in the emergence of a large number of professionals with specialized skills, which laid a foundation for the founding of Israel. Haganah, which was founded by the Histadru, was the main power of Israeli National Defence Army.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)