韩愈研究从唐代就已开始 ,而到了宋代则更有了长足的发展 ,其中又以欧阳修、王安石、苏轼、朱熹四大家的影响最大 ,尤其是王安石对韩愈的批评更是引起了后人足够的关注。但学界对此的评说又往往多有歧见。文章则认为应该历史地、发展地去看待王安石在不同时期所持的韩愈观。王安石在入仕之初虽然也曾竭力崇扬韩愈 ,但主要的是尊崇韩愈在“时乎释、老”的大气候下 ,己独不然的大无畏精神 ,也即捍卫儒道 ,力排佛、老的所谓“真儒之效”方面 ,至于韩愈之论“性”“道”以及历史观等方面多有微词。文章还就王诗多效法韩诗而对韩愈诗论又多有贬抑的现象作出了深入辨析 。
Study of Han yu had started from Tang Dynasty.And up to Song Dynasty it had a quiet great progress. Among them the most influence are from Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Su Shi and Zhu Xi. Especially Wang Anshi's criticism on Han Yu was more conspicuous. But there are too more branch views with it in academe. This article consider that we should look on this by historicity and developmental. Though Wang Anshi ever had hardly higher raise Han Yu, but he was mainly saw from the spirit of fearless, as for the arguments to 'xing' and 'dao' and view of history by Han Yu etc. there are much of criticize words. also has analyzed the phenomenon that Wang Anshi learn from Han Yu's poem and repress his theory for poem. Than express the two viewpoints which is quite popular in academe, this article try to discuss fairly with them.