美国当代黑人女作家艾莉丝·沃克的长篇书信体小说《紫色》运用了两种截然不同的语言 :茜莉所写的 70封信中 ,无论黑人和白人都说美国南方乡村黑人口语 ;茜莉的妹妹聂蒂的信中 ,黑人白人都说美国标准语。这种语言艺术使黑人和白人处在了平等的地位上。以茜莉为代表的黑人土语不因人物自身教育、地位的提高而改变 ,这里茜莉的语言实际上已成为一种民族的标志。作者还运用一些语言变异形式 ,如主语第一人称复数用Us,用大写的He或Pa指代茜莉的继父 ,用Mr.———称呼那些不配有姓名的男人等 ,揭示黑人男女、黑人家庭、黑人内部的弊病。这种与众不同的语言策略充分体现了作者的黑人意识和民族观念。
Alice Walker,a black American women writer,lets her characters speak two different types of English in her epistolary novel The Color 'Purple'.Celie and all the persons,whether black or white, speak Southern in her seventy letters while Nettie and all the black and white persons in her twenty two letters speak Standard American English. The language art makes the black on a equal footing with the white.Celie,as a representative figure,upholds her own ways of speaking,and here, in fact,her speech is the sign of the Black Nation.The writer also uses some variation forms of English such as using Us instead of We, He or Pa referring Celies stepfather,the henchman of the white and the scum of the black,calling the men who discriminate against women Mr.--etc. to reveal the malady of the black society,the abuse of the black families and the unequal relationship between the husband and the wife.We can see the writers national consciousness and racial sense from the language of the novel clearly.
Journal of Zhoukou Normal University