东汉王朝是我国封建社会第一次大统一时期 ,封建政治、经济都得到长足的发展。但东汉后期 ,社会却出现了分裂。本文认为东汉后期社会分裂的主要原因是豪强地主田庄经济的恶性发展。豪强地主田庄经济的发展 ,使得东汉王朝虽是统一的封建王朝 ,但远不如西汉王朝中央集权那样强大 ,封建国家那样强盛 ,最终导致东汉后期社会的动荡分裂。
Eastern Han Dynasty was a period of the first great unification in China's feudal society.Both feudal politics and economics were developed greatly.But during the period of late Eastern Han Dynasty,social split occurred.In this essay,I hold that the main reason for the split of the late Eastern Han Dynasty was the strange development of the economy of the farms of the strong landlords.This development made Eastern Han Dynasty,though it was still a unified feudal dynasty,far from as strong as the center power state of Western Han Dynasty.At last,it led to the split and turbulence in the period of late Eastern Han Dynasty.
Journal of Shenyang College of Education