中国的洋务运动和日本的明治维新是两个封建国家在类似的历史命运下做出的相同选择 ,但却获得了大相径庭的改革后果 :一个仍然是老大衰弱 ,一个却从此走上中兴之途 ,成为亚洲唯一独立自主的近代资本主义大国。洋务运动之所以失败主要原因是停留在技术层面的改革 ,明治维新却是一次非常彻底的资产阶级改革运动。
Chinas Westernization Movement and Japans Mingzhi Reform are the same choice that the two feudal countries made facing similar historic fates, but they achieved totally different results. China still remained a weak country, while Japan thereafter blazed a resurgent path, thus becoming the sole powerful independent capitalist country of modern times in Asia. Considering the reasons, the author thinks that the former reforms technologically while the latter does very thoroughly.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College