语言既是一种社会现象 ,又是人类行为艺术的载体。民族不同 ,文化各异 ,因而在语言行为艺术上就表现出较大的差异性。了解英汉语言行为艺术在人际关系、社交礼仪和审美取向三方面的差异 ,对我们在跨文化交际中避免因不同语言文化因素而导致的误解和冲突 ,成功地进行跨文化交际有着重要的现实意义。
Language is a social phenomenon. It is also a carrier of peoples behavioral art. Different nations have difficult cultures. Therefore, their language behavioral arts are different from each other. It is of practical significance for us to know the differences of language behavioral between English and Chinese in interpersonal relationships, social etiquette and aesthetic orientation. Knowing the differences, we can communicate with each other without misunderstanding and conflicting in cross-cultural communication.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College