李白一生以不世之才自居 ,顽强而执着地追求惊世骇俗的功业。然而 ,李白在仕途上却备受挫折 ,在政治上一无所成 ,成为中国文人的千古遗憾。探讨李白政治悲剧的原因 ,冷静审视历史事实 ,就不难发现 ,除了各种不利的客观因素外 ,更为重要的恐怕还在于其个性和梦幻般的人生设计 。
Throughout his life Li Bai took pride in his high artistic talent and pursue his remarkable achievement toughly and intently.However,Li Bai failed many times in his official career and his non-achievement in politics,which makes a big pity for Chinese literati. Studying the reason for his political tragedy,dispassionately seeing the historical fact, it is not difficult to find that, besides various disadvantageous objective factors, more important factors are his characteristics and his fantastic design of his life and the shortage of his political quality and talent.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College