“阔”是鲁迅小说及杂文中经常使用、出现频率很高的属于鲁迅的“个人话语” ,是被赋予独特而深刻的文化隐喻和价值象征内涵的语码符号 ,是对他“眼中所见”的“从来如此”的“现代的我们国人的魂灵”与“中国的人生”的历史文化“原型”的发见与概括。而“阔”正是建构阿Q性格系统的灵魂之眼 ,它主宰和决定着阿Q“革命”的原因及其性质 ,其典型意义在于呈现传统文化历史的“集体无意识”的“原型”
Kuo' is frequently repeated in LU Xun's works as his personal expression.It is a language symbol enchanted by its unique and profound cultural metaphor and value oriented symbolic connotation.Also,as the quality of a historical and cultural archetype,'Kuo' summarizes and manifests 'the prevailing souls of our modern nationals' and the Chinese characterized life.However,'Kuo' is the core and essence in the formation of A Q's charater system.Yet it also dictates and determines the nature and the motive for his revolution.The significance of this prototype lies in the demonstration of the traditional,historical and collective unconscious archetype.
The Northern Forum