利用自行研制的高熔点半固态金属材料和轧制设备 ,对 60Si2Mn弹簧钢进行半固态直接轧制成形 ,并研究流变行为和规律 ,探索出适合于半固态钢铁材料直接轧制成形的生产工艺。研究结果表明 :固 -液两相的塑性变形行为是不同的 ,从而导致了轧制产品的心部和边部在组织及性能上的差异。在变形过程中 ,大多数的固相集中在试样的心部 ,而液相则流向轧件的边部。随着固相率的提高 ,固相颗粒发生塑性变形的程度亦提高。若半固态浆料中液相含量过少或变形速率过大、轧辊表面与轧件的温差过大 。
We have developed a equipment for directly rolling widely used spring steel(60Si2Mn) in semi solid sate in order to examine the rheological behavior and regulation and to grope directly rolling forming technology available for semi solid steel. The results showed that plastic deformation behavior of the solid phases differed from that of liquid phase during rolling, resulting in the difference of microstructure and properties between the center and the outer side of rolled product. Most of solid phase concentrates in the center while liquid phase flows toward the outer side. Plastic deformation rate of solid phase particulate increases with the increase of the solid fraction. Micro crack in surface of the rolled product attributes to either lower liquid phase fraction or higher deformation rate in the semi solid slurry or larger thermal differential between surface of the roller and the rolled product.
Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys
国家自然科学基金重大资助项目 (59995440 )