吴文英 ,字君特 ,号梦窗 ,南宋著名词人。吴文英的交游甚广 ,其中不乏达官贵人。尤其是吴潜、贾似道、赵与芮、史宅之四位权要显贵 ,吴文英多有词投赠。为此 ,梦窗人品受到质疑。本文通过梦窗与四位权贵的关系考辩说明 :梦窗既非俊洁之士 ,也非无耻之徒 ,因此对梦窗人品我们不必苛责 ,也不应拔高。
Wu Wenying,zi Junte,hao Mengchuang,the famous poet of South Song Dynasty.Wu Wenying has a wide circle of acquaintances,among which are some influential officials, such as Wuqian,Jia Sidao,Zhao Yurui and Shi Zhaizhi. Wu Wenying presented ci poem to them, so his moral character called in question. This article attempts to interpret that:Neither is Mengchuang a sage nor a morally corrupt person.We should not critize or praise him.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)