汉代关东豪族实际上是以宗族中的核心家族为中心 ,在同族基础上相互结合而形成的血缘性社会群体。在宗族内部 ,宗族成员通过定期的祭祖与聚会活动来增进相互间的血缘联系和认同意识 ,从而使宗族组织的凝聚力得到加强 ;而经济互助与武装自保则是宗族社会功能的主要表现形式 。
The powerful clan in northeast China in the Han Dynasty is in fact a consanguineous social group formed by the core family and other members of the clan. In the clan, the members held regular ancestry -worshiping ceremonies and other gatherings to strengthen the consanguineous connection and the sense of identity as well as the cohesive force of the clan. The mutual economic aid and armed protection were the main manifestation of the social function of the clan, which played an important role in the survival and growth of this clan.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)