金履祥“安有去之七百岁而言情、状物如此之详 ,若身亲见之者 ?”姚际恒“周公去公刘之世已远 ,岂能代写其人民风俗至于如是之详且悉耶 ?”崔述“且玩此诗醇古朴茂 ,与成、康时诗皆不类” ,方玉润“非躬亲陇亩久于其道者 ,不能言之亲切有味也如是。周公生长世胄 ,位居冢宰 ,岂暇为此 ?”等种种否定或怀疑《七月》为周公作之理由 ,均似是而非 ;至于近代以来之“奴隶 (农奴 )作”及“小奴隶主作”等说 ,更近乎凭虚。《七月》为周公作 。
Comparing with other Zhou Gong's poems collected in the Song poetry,the poem JULY was too unexpectedly fine and smooth,pure and aimple,heavy local flavour,lively and moving,fresh and tender to be regarded as the original masterpiece of Zhou Gong.From past to modern,ever to now,there have been existing a certain quety of the truth of its writer.Doubted and confused.some modern scholars as well as the ancient King Lu xiang,Yao Ji heng,Cui Shu,Fang Yu yun,etc.all took a skeptical attitude to it.However,they had made a mistake actually,with no proof behind their consideration.As the author of the paper concerned,Zhou Gong was the true writer of JULY.There concerned,Zhou Gong was the true writer of JULY.There should be suspicion no longer.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College