贺晓晴的《花瓣糖果流浪年》是一部女性意识的“白皮书”。它描述了女主人公韩月晴流浪的轨迹以及她与几个男性之间的恩恩怨怨的感情。女性追求精神家园的心路历程和感情的漂泊是多么艰辛、漫长与痛苦。家园的最终寻得 ,是女性意识彰显的必然结果。
PETAL·CANDY·ROAMING YEARS,one of HE Xial qing's novels,is always regarded as'white book'fully represented the sense of the female sex,mainly described the wandering mind of the geroine,HAN Yue qing and her great love and hatred with several men.The final gains in the quest of the spiritual realn was the inexorable trend showing the senfe of the female sex thoroughly,although the progress and heart wandering were so horribly,although the progress and heart wandering were so horribly hard,long and painful.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College