《钦州师范高等专科学校学报》是同类学报中的佼佼者。其可称之处 ,约有四端 ,即 :栏目齐全 ,贴近时代 ;重点突出 ,注重质量 ;服务地方 ,面向全国 ;装帧精美 ,编校谨严。它的成功 ,将给人以许多有益的启示。
The reason of Journal of Qinxhou Teachers College regarded as the most outstanding one at the same class os that it has four witnessed distinctioins:column complete and steps at the time,stresses out and quality on,service locally and nationwide,binding/layout exquisite and edition exact.With such success,of course,it must give great enlightenment to the same trade.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College