柴达木盆地国营农场在柴达木农业生产中占有主导地位 ,耕地面积占全区耕地面积的 70 % ,是主要的商品粮基地 ,也是青海省的主要粮仓 ,但由于作物布局的不合理 ,导致粮食单产水平低下。柴达木绿洲农业在西部大开发中起着举足轻重的作用 ,本文旨在阐述柴达木国营农场的农业生产存在的主要问题和解决办法 ,为决策者提供理论依据 。
The state farms of Chaidamu Basin with making up 70% of its tilled area have an important status in Chaidamu's agricural production as a main grain producing base and major granary,But their gain yield is lower due to unreasonableness of crop layout and managing systems.The purpose of this paper is to analysis main problems of the state farms's agricultural production of Chaidamu Basin and to propose some suggest about resulting those in order to provide a basis for policy making body and development of Basin's agriculture.
Science and Technology of Qinghai Agriculture and Forestry