在阐述养护和管理海洋生物资源的国际法律制度最新进展的基础上 ,探讨和分析了国际法律制度和各国实践中存在的问题。指出对海洋生态系统和海洋生物资源的最大威胁来自于专属经济区内失控的捕捞作业 ,并提出为了适应当前国际法律制度的发展 ,我国应采取的对策。
Based on the demonstration of the recent development of the international legal regime governing conservation and management of marine living creature resources,the problems in current international legal regime and in practice of various states were discussed and analyzed.It also concluded that the major threat to marine ecosystem and living creature resources came from uncontrolled fishing activities in Exclusive Economic Zones,and proposed countermeasures China should take in order to adapt to the recent developments of the international legal regime.
Journal of Hubei Agricultural College
农业部国家海洋勘测专项资助项目 (12 6 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 3)