本文系统地介绍了在粮食烘干过程中 ,因玉米的容重和原始水分不同、干燥介质温度不同、降水幅度要求不同等因素的影响 ,会不同程度地在烘后玉米的破碎率、裂纹率等指标上体现出来。建议在考核烘干机系统性能时 ,对烘后玉米破碎率、裂纹率等控制指标应作相应的修改和调整 ,并简要阐述了提高玉米烘后品质的设想和建议。
Affected by some different factors such as unit weight,moisture content,dry medium temperature and the range of lowering moisture of corn during drying,the indexes of broken rate and fissuring rate of corn after drying were not the same.So the authors suggested that control indexes of broken rate and fissuring rate after drying should be adjusted,and give some advice and idea on how to pimprove the quality of corn after drying.
Grain Storage