目的 :探讨提高ARN视力预后的有效方法。方法 :回顾性研究 3 1例 3 8只眼ARN患者的视力、眼部表现和治疗方针。结果 :治疗后 2 2只眼 (5 7 9% )视力提高 ;单纯药物治疗后 3只眼 (60 % )发生视网膜裂孔或脱离 ,明显高于预防性激光光凝治疗后 (15 3 8% ) ;玻璃体手术术后 15只眼视网膜平复 ,2只眼未愈。结论 :预防性激光光凝可减少ARN患者视网膜裂孔和脱离的发生率 ,预防性玻璃体切除术可稳定视网膜结构、保持并增进视力。
Objective:To study the effective treatment of acute retinal necrosis(ARN). Methods:31 consecutive patients(38 eyes)with ARN were reported.Visual acuity,manifestation and treatment were presented. Results:The vision improved in 22 of 38 eyes.Only with acyclovir treatment,3 of 5(60%)treated eyes developed retinal tears or retinal detachment,which was significantly more than that the eyes treated with protective laser photocoagulation(15 38%).Complete retinal reattachment after vitrectomy was observed in 15 eyes(88 23%)and the persistence of peripheral retinal detachment was in two eyes. Conclusions:Protective laser photocoagulation reduces the incidence of retinal tears and detachment.Protective vitrectomy stabilizes the structure of retina and or improves visual acuity.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology