网络遭受入侵有网络硬件设备本身的原因 ,有网络操作系统及应用软件存在漏洞的原因 ,也有管理上的原因 ,防火墙技术是内部网最重要的安全技术之一 ,但是防火墙也有它的局限性 .文章主要分析了网络安全存在的一些问题 。
There are some reasons for network invasion:first,network hardware equipment has its own problems;second,there exist some loopholes in network operating systems and application softwares,and finally,inefficient management is also a reason. Firewall is one of the most important security technology in Internet,but it has its limitation. This article mainly analyses some problems in network security,and briefly points out some precautionary measures.
Journal of Nanhua University(Science & Engineering)