以上海铁路、公路、水运、航空等各行业一些具有代表性的样本企业在一定时期内运行状况的实绩考评为背景 ,在建立了相应评价基准模型的基础上 ,根据样本企业各项实绩指标与基准指标值的正负偏离度导出综合偏差系数 ,并由综合偏差系数导出各行业的评价指数 ,从而起到衡量一个交通行业乃至整个交通运输系统运行状况的“晴雨表”
According to some sample enterprise's real business operation level, which are selected in Shanghai's different transport industries in a certain period, a complete and tight assessment system is proposed, so that to indicate the condition of transportation system operation flexibly. Based on the construction of corresponding standard model of assessment,the sample standard deviation between the standard operation index and the sample enterprise real index value is deeply analyzed. Then the integrated deviation coefficient is deduced,upon which a formula and example of the transportation system operation's assessment index is proposed.3 tabs,2 refs.
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering