马致远《汉宫秋》的悲剧性质早成定论 ,无有异议。但其悲剧主人公究竟是谁 ,其悲剧意蕴又是什么 ,却一直争论不休 ,悬而未决。本文认为汉元帝是悲剧主人公 ,王昭君只是悲剧主人公的牺牲品 ,其意蕴是在表现一代帝王的人身屈辱和政治上的惨痛失败。
There is no objection to the conclusion that Han Gong Qiu written by Ma Zhiyuan is a tragedy.But who is the tragic hero and what is the tragic implication have been discussed and are unresolved.The writer believes that Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty is the tragic hero,while Wang Zhaojun is only the victim of the hero,and its implication is to express the humiliation on personality and the failure on politics of the Emperor.
Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Education