英语写作教学长期以来一直是英语教师面临的一个重要问题。一方面,他们试图采用目前国外流行且行之有效的英语写作教学法(如:过程写作法(Process Approach);另一方面,他们身为中国人,从小深受传统的汉语写作法的影响,他们希望采用一种介于英语写作与传统的汉语写作之间的折中的,更加适合中国学生的英语写作教学法。然而,多年来,一些英语教学工作者对传统的汉语写作法持完全否定的态度,这就导致了初学英语写作的人开始写作时的恐惧心理,因为他们害怕别人说他们写的是“汉语式的英语作文”。由此可见,目前采用的这种完全排斥传统的汉语写作的英语写作教学法存在着其致命的弊端。笔者认为,英语写作教学应和传统的汉语写作法相结合,英语写作可以从传统的汉语写作中借鉴下面两个方法:〈1〉阅读和背诵。〈2〉记忆和模仿。
The teaching of writing has been a problem to Chinese EFL teachers for a long time. On one hand,they try to adopt fashionable and effective English writing approaches, such as process approaches. On the other hand,they are frustrated by the traditional Chinese writing methed. A negative attitude to our mother tongue writing approachhas been established which results in students' panic in writing. The author presents an integrated and practical soutionto this problem: a. read and learn. b. imitate to write. c. edit and translate.
Journal of Hubei Radio & Television University