
基于Level Set方法的曲线演化 被引量:15

Curves Evolving Based on Level Set Method
摘要 Level Set方法是一种描述曲线以曲率相关的速度演化的有力工具,最近几年在医学图像处理、自然现象的模拟以及计算机视觉等领域得到了广泛的应用.其中,曲线演化后的平滑算法和轮廓跟踪方法是Level Set方法实际应用中的两个关键算法.给出了一种平滑Level Set距离函数的简单方法.该方法只采用内插值的方式,消除平面上的全部孤立点以及部分可能产生歧义的点,在允许存在部分冗余点的情况下,利用曲线轮廓跟踪算法,得到平面上所有曲线的轮廓.经过实验验证,该方法简单、高效,适应范围广. Level Set method is a power tool for tracking the evolution of fronts propagating with curvature dependent speed. Since its introduction, Level Set method has been used in a wide collection of problems such as medical image processing, the simulation of natural phenomenon and computer vision. In practical applications, two of the most important algorithms are how to smooth the grid value and track the fronts contour after some time steps. In this paper, a simple method is introduced to smooth the value of Level Set function. It uses only intra-interpolation to clear out all of the single points and some of the ambiguous points. Use the contour line tracking method introduced in this paper, people can get the contour lines of all of the curves in a plane, even if there exists some redundant points. The experimental results show that this method is simple and useful, and can be used to wide fields concerning with fronts propagating.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第9期1858-1865,共8页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60173016) 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2001AA115126) 国家教育部骨干教师基金资助项目 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(4012008)~~
关键词 LEVEL SET方法 曲线演化 图像处理 计算机视觉 Level Set method curves evolving medical image processing contour tracking image based modeling
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