以野外土壤立地条件而言 ,植物环境的微气候 ,不仅会影响植物之发育与生长 ,亦能作为仿真野外现场之试验用。因此 ,如何量化微气候之变异与植物生理反应之关系 ,对土壤贫瘠之泥岩地区植物之生长就显得格外重要。探讨泥岩地区盆栽植物之微气候影响因素 ,并以蒸发散量模式量化这些因子。并由此盆栽之试验结果 ,推衍至大面积不同植群之微气象量化模式。以台湾西南部泥岩地区之刺竹植物为例 ,推演微气候能量平衡模式 ,以描述植物蒸发散及其周围温湿度、叶温及日射等环境微气象因子之变化 ,并以实测数据验证比较不同模式之适称性与预测性能。由野外实测值与模式之预测值比较结果 ,经统计残差分析显示此模式合乎物理之合理性。对于刺竹覆盖植物之微气候蒸发散预测模式 。
The microclimate of plant environment not only influence the development and growth of plants,but also can does simulation for field study. Therefore,it is of great importance to plant growth at mudstone area to quantify micrometeorological variance and physiological response.The influence factor of microclimate for potted plant at mudstone area is discussed.A microclimate model is applied to describe the air temperature,relative humidity,soil temperature,leaf temperature and solar radiation which are measured for potted plant of thorny bamboo at mudstone area. Values of model prediction are compared to field observation at mudstone for verification of these models by modern statistics analysis.The primary deviation for these simple models is caused by the variation of rapid changes in meteorological such as solar radiation,leaf temperature and relative humidity.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation