改革开放至今,中国船舶工业取得了长足的进步。中国造船年产量由上世纪80年代初的50万吨提高到了2001年的400多万吨,造船业也由世界第17位跃居为世界第3位。预计到2005年,我国年造船产量可达650万吨以上,市场的份额也将提高到15%。 但是我国船用配套设备国产化水平低,成本优势减弱。
Since the reform and opening door policy was adopted, China's shipbuilding industry has achieved great progress. However, our country is still backward in producing marine accessory equipment. Only 40% of the domestic marine equipment is installed on board the vessels, comparing to 98% in Japan and 85% in South Korea, this is rather low in China. In some European countries such as Germany and Norway marine equipment production can not only satisfy the domestic shipbuilding need but also with 60% of their production exported. To achieve a leap-forward development in the marine accessory industries, China has to snatch some shares from Japan, South Korea and those European powers, which will fuel the fierce competition within the trade.
China Ship Survey