以降低轴向柱塞泵流体噪声为目的 ,围绕轴向柱塞泵的柱塞数和轴向柱塞泵配油盘结构对产生流体噪声的机理进行了理论分析 ,并对降低轴向柱塞泵流体噪声的措施进行了试验 .试验研究表明 :对轴向柱塞泵配油盘结构进行优化设计 ,使柱塞腔内高压油与低压油切换时避免高、低压油突然串通而造成的压力冲击所产生的噪声 ,是降低轴向柱塞泵流体噪声的一条有效途径 .
Aimed at decreasing the noise of axial piston pump,the authors analyze the mechanism about noise caused by the number of axial piston and the design of the distribution. In the meanwhile, an experiment on the methods of decreasing noises was mode.According to the experiment,it is an effective method to decrease the noise by optimizing the design of the distribution, that is, avoiding the noise caused by sudden collaborated pressure hitting when the high pressure oil and the low pressure oil transmit in the body of the axial piston pump.
Bulletin of Science and Technology