

A Secure Mathematical Computation Protocol
摘要 讨论了网络数学计算框架 IAMC的安全性问题,给出了一个用安全协议 SSL/TIS提高数学计算协议MCP安全性的实现方案.改进后的网络数学计算框架可有效地提供计算数据的机密性、完整性和用户认证等安全功能. The Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation (IAMC) framework makes supplying/accessing mathematical computation easy on the Internet/Web. In this paper , the vulnerabilities of the current IAMC framework is discussed. A scheme for incorporating SSL/TLS protocol into the current Mathematical Computation Protocol is presented. The resulting secure Mathematical Computation Protocol can then provide crypto-graphic authentications, data privacy and integrity.
出处 《中国科学院研究生院学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第3期271-277,共7页 Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 the chinese national 973 project (NKBRSF G1998030609 ) 863 Project (2001AA144030)work reportecd herein has been supported in part by the national science foundation under (ccr-0201772 , int-9722919) and in part by t
关键词 网络数学计算 安全协议 数学计算协议 MCP协议 SSL/TLS协议 网络安全 用户认证 internet accessible Mathematical computation, mathematical computation protocol, secure protocal, SSL/TLS
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