设立中公司是一个逐渐被学术界认可的概念 ,设立中公司的概念对于股份有限公司较具意义 ,本文通过探讨设立中公司的法律地位及其法律性质 ,以期有效解决设立中公司实践中遇到的问题。设立中公司的起算时间和法律地位都存有争议。设立中公司理论的建立对于解决我国实践尤其是国有企业改革中出现的问题甚有启示。
The establishing corporation is a concept gradually accepted by the academically field. The concept of establishing corporation is more used in the stocks limited corporation. The thesis tries to discuss the legal status and quality of the stocks limited corporation, so as to solve effectively the problem that the establishing corporation meets in practical. Arguments exist about the beginning time and legal status of the establishing corporation. The establishment of theoretical system of the establishing corporation impacts on the problem that occurs in the reform of state-owned enterprise in our country.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law