To inquire into the curative effect of the injection of clonazepami into T'ing kung for refractory auditory hallucination,90 schizophrenics whose auditory nal-lucination did'nt disappear after 2 month systemic treatment of one antipsychotic were randomly divided into experimental group(n=45) and control group(n = 45);and the both groups remained past therapeutic plan. The former was given clonazepmpami into T'ingkung, observation of 2 week curative effect made, and assay conducted using BPRS. Result showed that there was obvious difference in curative effect between pre-and post-treatment (t=5. 13,P<0. 001). This suggested that the injection of clonazepami into T'ingkung had better curative effect in auditory hallucination for schizophrenia.