ISO 9001:2000标准中,质量管理八项原则的第一条就是以顾客为关注焦点,它强调组织应该理解顾客当前和未来的需求,满足顾客要求,并争取超越顾客期望。通过偏最小二乘法实现了顾客满意度指数计算,讨论了顾客满意度测评系统在企业中的应用。
In ISO 9001:2000,the first of the eight principles of quality management is customer focus.It stressed that organizations should understand the current and future needs of customers,and satisfy the customer's requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.In this paper,partial least squares method is used through customer satisfaction index,and customer satisfaction evaluation system in enterprise applications is discussed.
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