作者运用子午流注纳甲法之开穴、闭穴为治疗和对照组,观察了慢性浅表性胃炎的临床疗效和胃液及血清胃泌素的变化。结果:临床总有效率开穴组为93.55%,闭穴组为86.67%。针前基础胃酸高者,针后无论其胃酸还是胃液量,均有下降趋势,反之则升高。与针前比较,针后血清胃泌素呈上升趋势;开穴组在针后30min 达到高峰,而闭穴组针前与针后60min 才有显著性差异。
According to the day-prescription of acupoint mentioned by Xu Feng(徐风)in Encyclopaedia of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,the authors used opening acupoints to treat 31 chronic superficial gastritis patients(young male)and closing points to treat 15 patients for comparison.Besides,the authors observed the changes of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice,volume of juice and serum gastrin of the patients before and after the acupuncture.Results of clinical treatment:In the opening acupoint group,13 were cured,12 effected,4 improved and 2 ineffective.The total effective rate was 93.55%.There was no significant difference between the results of the two groups.Results of experiment:to the hyperacidity patients of the two groups,the content of hydrochloric acid tended to fall after acupuncture while to the hypoacidity patients the content tended to rise after acupunc- ture.The changes of the gastric juice volume were different in the two groups.In the Opening group, we could also see that the low volume rose and high volume fell after acupuncture.However,the closing group showed that the low volume fell after acupuncture.There was not any significant difference.The changes of serum gastrin indicated that,after acupuncture,all the serum gastrin in the two groups went up.But the peak value in the opening group appeared at 30 minutes after acupuncture while in the closing group it appeared at one hour.In both groups,there were significant differences between those results before and after acupuncture.
chronic superficial gastritis
gastric juice
serum gastrin