本研究就复方西洋参口服液对具有肾虚表现的健康老年人在清除自由基、调节性激素水平及单胺氧化酶水平方面的影响进行了观察。结果表明,本方缓解衰老症状功效总有效率为88.89%,优于西洋拳口服液对照组(P<0.05)。对肾阳虚的总有效率为85.71%,也优于对照组(P<0.05)。该方具有提高红细胞过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,降低血清脂质过氧化物(LPO)水平,提高 SOD/LPO 比值,降低血清单胺氧化酶 B(MAO-B)活性,改善雌二醇/睾酮(E_2/T)比值及延缓老年人函数月龄的效果。
71 cases with age over sixty were randomly divided into treated group and control group,and observed by single-blind me thgd.36 cases were administered with American ginseng compound liquor as a treated group,35 cases were administered with American ginseng liquor only as a control group.The total effective rates of the treated group and the control group on symptoms associated with aging were 88.89% and 68.57% respectively (P<0.05).The effective rates of the treated group for Kidney-Yang(阳),Kidney-Qi(气) and Kidney-Yin(阴)deficiencies were 85.71%,100% and 87.50% respectively.The effective rates of the control group were 81.82%,100% and 61.53% respectively. The above results indicated that the symptoms of Kidney-Yang deficiency in the treated group were improved much better than those of the control group (P<0.05).Obviously,SOD activity of erythrocyte and SOD/LPO ratio increased remarkably and serum content of LPO decreased signifi- cantly in,both groups(P<0.001).In the treated group,the functional months of age(physiological age)decreased from 751.77±5.215 to 743.53±5.144,the effective rate was 68.57%.It showed that these two recipes both had the efficiency on prolonging the functional age (P>0.05).
American ginseng compound liquor
superoxide dismutase
lipid peroxide
monoamine oxidase
physiological age