根据勘察资料对位于云南省昭通市北东约 3 0 km处凌子口隧道围岩的稳定性进行分析评价。隧道所处区域为滇东北拗褶带中山峡谷区 ,工程地质条件复杂 ,岩层分别为砂岩、白云岩、泥灰岩及钙质泥岩 ,岩体结构面主要为构造结构面 ,不良物理地质现象主要为进洞口附近残坡积层中发育的三个小滑坡。对隧道围岩计算得出各类岩体强度应力比均大于 6 ,该隧道围岩能够承受围岩应力的作用 ,不会产生过大的整体塑性变形、剪切及弯折等变形破坏。但围岩中分离块体存在散块状松动坍塌的可能。本文根据分类评价结论及有关参数 。
Lingzikou Tunnel is located at 30 km north-east of Shaotong city in Yunnan Province, the adjoining rock stability analysis and evaluation. Engineering geological conditions in Lingzikou Tunnel are complicate. The rocks are mainly sandstone, dolomite, marl and calcareous mudstone. Three small alluvium landslide in the entrance of Lingzikou Tunnel belong to unfavorable geotechnical conditions. The ratios of all rock strength stress are more than 6, so that plastic, shear and flexure deformations would be seldom happened under the stresses. There are some cohesionless collapses in separated blocks of adjoining rock. A helpful suggestion is provided in this paper on the adjoining rock classification conclusion and its parameter.
Journal of Geological Hazards and Environment Preservation