20 0 1年在黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场及附近乡镇采用网捕环志方法进行了鸟类调查 ,共环志鸟类 119种 3130 1只 ,隶属 11目 2 9科 ,迁徙鸟类以朱顶雀、煤山雀、黄雀为主体。在此基础上 ,着重对嫩江迁徙鸟类的种类。
The birds were studied on Gaofeng forest farm and the villages on outskirts of Nenjiang county Heilongjiang province in 2001,with the methods of net catching and banding.119 species 31 301 individuals were banded which belong to 11 orders 29 families.The major migrating birds were Carduelis flammea,Parus ater and Carduelis spinus.On the investigation basis,the species of migrating birds and lts migrating climax were analyzed emphatically.
Forestry Science & Technology