孙中山在香港西医书院接受了 5年的英国医科教育 ,毕业时是历届毕业生中成绩最优秀的。孙中山毕业后到澳门开业行医 ,因医术高明 ,医德高尚 ,求医者络绎不绝。孙中山在行医中不仅对生活困难的病人免收诊金 ,而且还赠送药品。他行医不满 2 - 3月即声名鹊起。孙中山对病人高度责任感和同情心以及为病人所做的一切 ,留给我们很多有益的思考 ,同时 。
Dr. Sun Yat-senn had practiced medicine in maco after finishing five-year British medical training. He became a famous doctor in the local very soon.His excellent medical skill and high moral character attacted many countless patients. Dr.Sun Yat-senns sense of responsibility and sympothecic attitude towards patients, including what he did for others should be learned by us.
Chinese Medical Ethics