经过对山东新汶矿业集团孙村煤矿煤炭地下气化中心的现场测试和实验研究 ,笔者获取了关于低热值地下气化煤气的大量数据。通过对地下气化煤气的热值、密度和燃烧势等性质参数的综合分析 ,得出了地下气化煤气的性质参数的变化情况 ,研究了地下气化煤气的应用理论依据 ,据此开发了适合燃烧这种煤气的工业燃烧器 ,分析了该燃烧器的特点和改进措施 。
By local tests and experiments of gases from underground coal at Center of Shandong Xinwen Mining Group Suncun Colliery, a great deal of data about the low calorific gases from underground coal are obtained. Based on comprehensive analysis of the data, the calorific value, density and burning force of the gases are obtained, and the theoretical foundations of the gas applications are investigated. An industrial burner is accordingly designed, the properties and improving measures of which are analyzed. Finally, applying methods of the gases are introduced and industrializing prospects of the burner are predic ted.
Journal of Shandong Institute of Architecture and Engineering